Myth Debunked!

Myth Debunked!

MYTH: The ability to roll your tongue is determined by your genetics.

TRUTH: The ability to roll your tongue depends on function of the superior longitudinal muscles of the tongue.


Not being able to roll your tongue can affect your sleep, breathing, and swallowing.

We don't walk around with our tongues rolled up like a taco. However, the ability to roll the tongue shows the sides of the tongue can lift and seal against the palate when at rest and when swallowing. The tongue's ability to lightly suction to the roof of the mouth helps keep an open airway when sleeping.

We can all learn to do this little party trick with myofunctional therapy.

Cosmetic Effects of Myofunctional Therapy & Released Ties

Cosmetic Effects of Myofunctional Therapy & Released Ties

Stand Taller and Feel Better with Myo

Stand Taller and Feel Better with Myo