What You Need to Know as a Side Sleeper

What You Need to Know as a Side Sleeper

 Guest post by: Jennifer Scott

When you have a specific sleep style, sleeping any other way can be nearly impossible. Side sleeping is comfortable, but it can often take a toll on the body. Here are a few tips to taking care of yourself when you predominantly sleep on your side.


The Benefits


While there are drawbacks to every sleep position, side sleeping has more pros than cons. Inarguably, sleeping on one's left side is superior to the right. Our hearts experience less strain through the night if we sleep on our left. This angle also prevents our stomachs from draining and causing heartburn or acid reflux. What’s more, it has health benefits for our lymph nodes by helping them drain. Further, lying on one's side keeps the back aligned. Side sleeping reduces snoring and sleep apnea, so it's good for those of us with breathing issues. It's a natural position, comfortable, and keeps our bodies in excellent condition.


Possible Harm


Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks to side sleeping. Thankfully, the issues are largely cosmetic, and have some fixes. Pressing your face into a pillow each night may lead to the early development of wrinkles. This is caused by the pillowcase pulling on your skin night after night, year after year. Furthermore, sleeping all night on one side can cause our arm to go “dead.” Also, being in one position can also cause excessive pressure on the shoulders and hips.


To avoid pain and numbness, alternate the side you sleep on. Don't linger too long on the right side, however, as this can cause acid reflux and other digestive issues. While you should do the bulk of your sleeping on the left side, try sleeping on your right intermittently through the night. This will help avoid sore shoulders and keep your stomach happy all night long.


Improving Sleep Posture


As mentioned, sleeping on our sides can cause pressure and pain, which is why we need to invest in a comfortable and supportive mattress. A mattress that offers medium firmness is ideal; it is soft enough to relieve pressure without losing support. You should also be careful about your neck, as a pillow that is too flat or thick can cause misalignment. Don't curl up on yourself when you side-sleep either, as this prevents the spine from elongating during the night and puts excessive stress on the diaphragm. Our breathing is then impacted, and we may not sleep deeply through the night. For optimal rest, stretch out and resist the urge to slouch your head or draw your knees to your chest. If you need something to relieve discomfort, try a pillow between your legs. This can alleviate pressure and ensure you get a good night's rest.


Overcoming Sleep Apnea


No matter which position you sleep in, you’re likely to be kept up at night if you're suffering from sleep apnea—a condition that causes your breathing to stop while you sleep. If you have an irregular bite or misaligned teeth, this could be contributing to snoring and sleep apnea. 


Skin Care


It can be difficult to train ourselves to sleep in a new position. Indeed, it’s hard to ignore the benefits of sleeping on one's side. However, if you want to avoid developing wrinkles, there are steps you can take. For instance, you can swap your pillowcase from cotton to silk or even satin. Your skin won't press into these fabrics, but rather slide across them without pulling. They're also hypoallergenic pillows so you can breathe easier. Make sure you're comfortablewhen you rest, too. The deeper you sleep, the better your skin will look and feel. Moisturize before you hit the hay to replenish your skin. Lastly, make sure the air in your bedroom isn't too dry; a humidifier can be a valuable ally against wrinkles by hydrating you during the night.


Sleeping on your side has advantages. However, to optimize your health, take a few precautions and adjust your posture. You'll rest easier, feel better, and look even more youthful.


Visit Kansas City Myo & Wellness for orofacial myofunctional therapy and health and wellness coaching. Improve your life today!


Image Courtesy of Pexels

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