Cosmetic Effects of Myofunctional Therapy & Released Ties

Cosmetic Effects of Myofunctional Therapy & Released Ties

I've posted before on how having my lip and tongue tie released (thank you Dr. Tim Herre !) and completing my myofunctional therapy program helped me SIGNIFICANTLY with my neck pain and headaches. (LIFECHANGING!)

But what I haven't talked about yet is the subtle aesthetic effect it had. Being able to lift my tongue fully to the roof of my mouth without straining my neck and jaw has made my face appear more relaxed. And having my lip tie released has allowed my upper lip to appear fuller and more balanced.

The muscles of the face are like other skeletal muscles of the body, they can become bigger or smaller based on movement. (Think bigger biceps from doing bicep curls...) Myofunctional therapy helped me to gain function, relief from tension and pain, and sprinkled in some cosmetic benefits as a bonus.

#myofunctionaltherapy #fullerlips #facelift #headaches #tonguetie #frenuloplasty #holisticdentalkc #kansascitymyoandwellness #necktension #liptie

Kansas City Myo & Wellness.jpg

Myth Debunked!

Myth Debunked!