myofunctional therapy, tongue tie, orofacial myology, tongue exercies

Breathe and Bloom: Orofacial myofunctional therapy, health coaching, and wellness.

Mouthbreathing, bedwetting, crooked teeth, headaches, neck pain, teeth grinding, ADHD, and more…

chapped lips, mouth breathing, lip incompetence
crowded teeth, narrow jaws, malocclusion, palate
bedwetting, nocturnal enuresis, sleep problems, adhd symptoms

Did you know these all could be related to your tongue and how you breathe?

Myofunctional therapy can help.

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My Philosophy

Using an integrative holistic approach, I guide my clients towards overall health, wellness, and happiness. Whether its teaching them to breathe through their nose instead of the mouth or to breathe in the joys of the habits of a healthy life, I enjoy finding the missing puzzle piece with my clients so they can breathe and bloom.


Orofacial myofunctional therapy addresses dysfunctions of the facial muscles and tongue to correct neuromuscular patterns. Services can help those with thumbsucking habits, mouthbreathing, tongue thrust, tongue ties, breathing, sleep and behavioral problems, headaches, digestive issues, tmj, speech difficulties, and more.

Virtual Online Myofunctional Therapy Available

Want better sleep? More energy and focus? Fewer headaches, less TMJ pain, and less neck tension? These are a few of the potential benefits of myofunctional therapy.

Do you snore, have sleep apnea, or use a cpap? Research shows that myofunctional therapy can help make cpap use more effective.

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The Tongue

A tongue tie (ankyloglossia), how you move your tongue, and where your tongue is at rest is linked to more problems than you would think.

A relaxed smile, less facial strain, lip competence, and better posture

A relaxed smile, less facial strain, lip competence, and better posture

Better head posture, less facial muscle tightness

Better head posture, less facial muscle tightness

Bright eyes and better posture with myofunctional therapy and frenuloplasty

Bright eyes and better posture with myofunctional therapy and frenuloplasty