The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin

The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin

Dr. Steven Lin discusses the link between what we eat and our risk for dental cavities, need for braces, and decline of overall health. He explains epigenetics; how we live determines how our genes will play out.

Dr. Lin mentions the works of Weston Price, a dentist who observed in the 1920’s and 1930’s the differences in oral health and facial structure of people eating a western diet (processed soft foods) vs. a native diet (vegetables, meats, etc). Price found that those eating a whole food diet with foods that required chewing and had high nutritional value had wider jaws with straight teeth and relatively no dental decay. Those eating the diet that many of us today eat, develop narrower jaws, crooked teeth, and multiple cavities.

A narrow maxilla (upper jaw) not only determines if you have enough room for all of your teeth, but also can impact your airway, sleep, and vision.

The photo below taken from the book, shows the difference between breathing out of your nose vs your mouth.


Myofunctional Therapy is a great way to transition from mouthbreathing to nasal breathing.

Interestingly a deficient maxilla can lead to poor eyesight (the maxilla makes up the floor of the eye socket which effects the shape of the eye and thus the vision.

The bacteria of the gut are a hot topic right now and the book discusses the role of your gut flora on your dental/oral health.

The book gives a program for slowly making changes in nutrition for a dietary lifestyle that promotes good oral and overall health.

Key Takeaways

Fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) are said to be key ingredients for the health of our teeth, jaws, and overall health.

Sugar should be avoided.

Eat foods that require chewing so the muscles of the face are strong and can develop jaws large enough for your teeth and a healthy airway.

Breathe through your nose.

Include fiber in your diet to feed your gut bacteria.

Add fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, etc to replenish your microbiome.

Enjoy healthy fats.

Check out Dr. Lin’s website for more great info.

It’s a very interesting read for anyone interested in nutrition.

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