Wellness Reboot

Wellness Reboot

Outdoor time helps to decrease your stress and cortisol levels while increasing your vitamin D. Try taking a walk before work, taking your dog for a walk after dinner, or doing some yard work in the evening.

Eating mostly plants will help you get the nutrition you need to support your immune system, keep up your energy, and aid in health digestion and gut flora. It will also help keep you full due to the high fiber content.

Aim to eat a rainbow every day.

Studies showing that averaging 10,000 steps daily can not only help you maintain a healthy weight, but also help you feel and sleep better.

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly can help you perform and feel better. Limit caffeine in the afternoon, reduce intake of alcohol, avoid screens in the evening, and do something relaxing to wind down at the end of the day.

Quality habits to help you Breathe & Bloom.

Wellness Morning Tonic

Wellness Morning Tonic

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