4 Self-Care Steps to Help You Stay Stress-Free

4 Self-Care Steps to Help You Stay Stress-Free

There are many ways to combat this stress, anxiety, and worry, but none are quite as effective as proactive self-care. Self-care is taking the time to make sure your needs are met so you don’t feel resentful, burned out, or exhausted about your other responsibilities. However, as Zenbusiness explains, achieving a good work-life balance is something everyone dreams about but achieves. Want to make sure to balance self-care between everything on your to-do list? Here are a few ways you can easily sneak a little “me time” into your daily routine, presented by 

Kansas City Myo & Wellness.


Eat a vegetable with every meal


Making sure you get the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals from your diet will set you up for being able to let go of anger during stressful situations; after all, a balanced diet leads to a balanced mind and mood. Getting the right nutrients can have a direct and immediate impact on your ability to handle stress. If you want extra support, take a multivitamin. Not only can they help boost mood, but they can help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Multivitamins not only provide us with nutrients, but they also help us better absorb essential nutrients to keep the stress hormone cortisol in check.


Stay focused on fitness


Don’t let your exercise routine get lost in the shuffle. Keep yourself active to keep those endorphins flowing. You can use free apps on your phone, like MapMyRun and RunKeeper, to keep yourself on track. You can also look into getting a smartwatch to help you stay at the top of your game. For example, the recent generations of the Apple Watch have a dual-core processor and a wireless chip so you can keep track of your biometrics during every minute of activity. Best part? You can own yours with monthly installments. For those who like the gamification of fitness, take on challenges with one of the new Fitbits, like the Charge HR or the Blaze. 


Start a relaxing bedtime routine


Many people find they can get much more done after the kids go to bed. While you certainly should take advantage of this productive time, consider carving out 30 minutes to start a bedtime wind-down. Getting better sleep will help you handle strained days with grace — for yourself and others. Relaxing your body at the end of the day will help your mind let go of troubling thoughts. Take a warm bath and read a good book. Practice a gentle yoga routine followed by a 15- to 20-minute yoga Nidra meditation. 


If you discover that you’re having trouble falling asleep at night despite the gentle yoga and self-care routines, there are all-natural ways to solve this problem. Working with Kansas City Myo & Wellness can help you pinpoint tension areas, and they offer treatment options to help you reduce pain associated with TMJ, as well as in areas like the neck and shoulders. 


Make a to-do list and an accomplishment list


Begin your day with a realistic to-do list, one that you know you can accomplish most tasks. This will give you focus and keep you on track, providing a daily structure that can eliminate stress from poor planning. At the end of the day, make another list — this one celebrating the things you accomplished this day. This will help you keep an optimistic attitude, which also helps you sidestep stress. However, be sure to be flexible with yourself. You are not your list; if not all tasks are complete it doesn’t mean you have failed. 


Some people might think self-care sounds selfish, but remember this old proverb: you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you aren’t replenished, you won’t be able to care for others. So, make sure you schedule plenty of self-care — and stick to it! 


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